GHT Mission Statement

 We assemble ourselves together in public worship to glorify God, his son Jesus Christ, moved and led by the Holy Ghost.

Worship includes the preaching and teaching of the Holy Bible, that when believed and acted upon, those who are estranged.
Our teaching emphasis centers upon the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, his death, burial, resurrection and imminent return.
We teach the baptism of the Holy Ghost given to believers will endue them with power from on high.  Every member is encouraged to be a witness by testimony
and example.
The ministry is supported by our tithes, offering and sacrificial giving.  We give of our time, talents, gifts and resources.
We concern ourselves with giving aid and comfort to the poor, the aged, the homeless and hopeless.
These objectives are brought about through the various auxiliaries organized in the Greater  Holy  Temple Church o f God in Christ.